wisdom teeth reomvalThe Maryland Center will advise you about what to expect following the removal of your wisdom teeth. This helps make your recovery as comfortable and efficient as possible.

Age tends to play a big role in the length of recuperation because of the nature of wisdom teeth and how the procedure works. Learn about what to expect and how to care for yourself following surgery.

Timeline for Recovery Following the Removal of Wisdom Teeth

  • Typically, our Oral Surgeons recommend treatment around age 17-21. If you have surgery at this age, you can expect to recover faster than if you wait until the teeth become impacted, establish roots, or emerge at an improper angle.
  • For young people, wisdom teeth removal usually requires 2-3 days for the initial recovery. During this period, you will likely want to stay at home, take the medication we prescribe, treat the surgical site following our recommendations, eat soft foods, and rest comfortably. After about a week, you can expect to return to your normal activities and diet.
  • Older patients may need 4-6 a few weeks for a full recovery. Your discomfort depends on your personal pain threshold and the complexity of your procedure. We recommend that you avoid strenuous activity for the first 4-9 days at least.

If you are like most patients, you will rest for a few days after the removal of your wisdom teeth and avoid any real activity. In part, this is because you want to protect the surgical site. Also, the limited diet and medication will make you feel a little weaker than normal, and you’ll probably need to take it easy. After another 4-5 days, you may be ready for more strenuous activity.

Sutures and Medication for Wisdom Teeth Removal Patients

Generally, The Maryland Center’s Oral Surgeons use resorbable sutures (stitches). These last 7-10 days. Our office can advise you if the sutures fall out before this time, but it’s usually not a problem for your recovery.

As part of your recuperation, we usually recommend an anti-inflammatory like Ibuprofen, Naprosyn, Advil, or Aleve, with or without Tylenol. These drugs have very few side effects and patients generally tolerate them well.

In addition, you will likely receive a prescription for narcotic pain medication. We will advise you to limit these medications to avoid unwanted side effects and to help you recover safely. As with any procedure, our doctors and staff are available throughout your experience to answer question or respond to any concerns you may have.

If you are considering wisdom teeth removal and want to understand more about the recovery time, contact your local office of The Maryland Center for Oral Surgery and Dental Implants.